autorouting without via under components

Discussion on the PCB Layout module of the Proteus Design Suite.
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Michael BOTTIN
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autorouting without via under components

Post by Michael BOTTIN »


I use Proteus with my students for various projects.
Sometimes we have the PCB produced by a service provider, sometimes we produce it ourselves in our department.
It's in the latter case that we have the problem.
With an home PCB, our vias are made with soldered wire at both ends. It is therefore not possible in this case to authorise via under the SMD components.
However, automatic routing regularly places vias under these SMD components.
We can always add a "keepout" zone, but this would then add more severe routing constraints.
Is there another solution that allows top and bottom tracks under CMS components but not vias during autorouting ?
Best regards,
Michael B
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Re: autorouting without via under components

Post by David »

Hi Michael,

Unfortunately not with the Autorouter. Maybe manually route the components around the components that you don't want vias under? Otherwise Keepouts are the only current option. You can place Keepouts on a specific layer, so Bottom copper would still be able to route through it if you have a Top Copper Keepout - but vias wouldn't be placed.

Michael BOTTIN
Professional User
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu 2009-06-25 22:27

Re: autorouting without via under components

Post by Michael BOTTIN »

Ok, thanks for your answer.
I was already using this 'keepout' technique, but I was wondering if there wasn't an option or script possibility that forbade 'vias' under components...

Have a nice day,

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