Graphing magnitude against resistance in an AC circuit

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Graphing magnitude against resistance in an AC circuit

Post by RobinF »

Hi, i'm wondering if there's any way to plot the magnitude of an ac value from a probe against resistance, very similar to a DC sweep graph but a DC sweep doesn't work with AC. I've tried with AC sweep but it creates a number of lines and plots it against a changing frequency which isn't what i'm after
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Re: Graphing magnitude against resistance in an AC circuit

Post by Ettore »

Unfortunately not directly. The analogue graphs analysis are only those supported by SPICE3 at the moment.
The only option working with ac magnitude is AC-sweep, which is a frequency domain analysis, though.

However by using the AC-swap and maximizing the resulting graphs you can click over any trace and get the value of the magnitude and the corresponding swapped resistance value on the bottom right corner of the status bar.
Immagine 2024-02-06 191608.jpg
Immagine 2024-02-06 191608.jpg (205.15 KiB) Viewed 214 times
Kind regards,
Ettore Arena - Labcenter Electronics.
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Re: Graphing magnitude against resistance in an AC circuit

Post by RobinF »

couldn't help but notice "at the moment", i've heard some things about graph analysis getting upgraded in proteus 9? Very hyped if that's the case, proteus is a great all-rounder but graph analysis is definitely kind of a weak spot rn
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