Can VSM PIC18 talk UART to Windows COMs

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Can VSM PIC18 talk UART to Windows COMs

Post by mbristol78 »


I have asked the support to confirm the following can be done but they don't answer me.
I am thinking of purchasing VSM for PIC18 but I'd like confirmation before:

My application has a PIC18, talking UART to a Windows 11 app.
I have a 3rd party COM bridge app, COM1 bridged to COM2, my Windows app interface would connect to COM1 and the simulated PIC18 connect to COM2. So I assume I can get the interface talking to the PIC18 simulation that way?

The support only replied to me saying there is no cool-down period after purchase if I am not happy so I rather ask the users if they think that's do-able?
Optional question: is Proteus support any good? as their general email is not responding much ...

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Re: Can VSM PIC18 talk UART to Windows COMs

Post by Ettore »

You may search forum for COMPIM keyword. The COMPIM is a virtual interface to physical serial port device.
In particular try this:
Kind regards,
Ettore Arena - Labcenter Electronics.
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