vsm code error

Discussion on both general simulation and Proteus VSM microcontroller simulation.
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vsm code error

Post by robertngambi »

my vsm code is failing to compile for the simulation of the attached simple arduino lcd connection. it is showing the eroor message as shown attached code picture, what could the problem and measurement:

cource code 1.png
cource code 1.png (82.68 KiB) Viewed 993 times
arduino simulation 1.png
arduino simulation 1.png (143.01 KiB) Viewed 993 times
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Re: vsm code error

Post by Ettore »

As you can see it does work to me! If It doesn't to you is possibly because of your project setup but we can't help without looking at your project.
So, please attach the full Proteus project (the .pdsprj file, no simple screen shot) including the full (and possibly correct) source code.
screen shot 2023-10-01 132136.jpg
screen shot 2023-10-01 132136.jpg (349.25 KiB) Viewed 984 times
Kind regards,
Ettore Arena - Labcenter Electronics.
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Re: vsm code error

Post by robertngambi »

Thanks for that, here is my attached document with its source code.
Arduino LCD Connect 1.pdsprj
(28.97 KiB) Downloaded 488 times
Labcenter Staff
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Location: Milan

Re: vsm code error

Post by Ettore »

As I said above - and picture below shows it's working now - you've made a wrong project setup including a number of gross logics and schematic mistakes. Nevertheless, I regret that I cannot help you as it turned out that you are using an illegal (cracked) copy of Proteus.
Please contact support@labcenter.com and purchase your Proteus copy.
Topic locked.
screen shot 2023-10-02 114014.jpg
screen shot 2023-10-02 114014.jpg (437.88 KiB) Viewed 960 times
Kind regards,
Ettore Arena - Labcenter Electronics.