Few issues with 8.16

Discussion on the Schematic Capture module of the Proteus Design Suite.
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Few issues with 8.16

Post by VasiliSk »

Hi, got some annoying problems with multiple boards in single project. I did before one board- one project but tried this new functionality
1) Copy scheme blocks from one board to another causes part assignment issues and fubar's board layout because parts on the board might get assigned or even changed package from parts on another board. Even though part ID of copied scheme marked as D??? Q??? etc it is still somehow hooked to board it was copied from and does mess everything. it is very tedious to fix everything

2) previously on older versions copy scheme block from one project to another, then copy layout from one to another worked fine and scheme did connected to layout. but now layout does not want to sync to scheme.

3) STEP model import is SO SLOW. like, extreme slow. i do export one board, attach it to another one, there is not so many components but i just sit there and wait.. also, could please improve export too so it would include traces? i need copper buses designed on top of traces.

4) I need ability to make packages with no pins, to place mechanical components on the board
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Re: Few issues with 8.16

Post by David »

Hi Vasili,

1) Are you copying to the clipboard or are you using Project Clips to export sections of the board / schematic for re-importation?


2) Was this in v7? In v8 there is a common database between the schematic and the PCB, of which, when something is copied to the clipboard (Windows Clipboard) there is some missing information from the common database that the clipboard doesn't see. This will include references as it is linked through the database. You should use Project Clips ;-)

3) It is likely that there is one particular Step model that is taking a while to load. If you can email me your project to support@labcenter.com I can take a look. Please use 'Embed Step Models' from the File menu in the 3D viewer.

4) You can't make packages / footprints without pins. You can make graphical symbols or you can add components to the Bill of Materials.

If you need further support, please include your customer number when you send in your project, thanks.

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Re: Few issues with 8.16

Post by VasiliSk »

Hello David, thanks for answer!
1) clipboard
2) thx will try
3) it is just STEP board that was exported and then used as part in other board. will send email later
4) how i should add 3D parts to my board then, that are not pin-components but just mechanical parts?

customer number send here or on email?
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Re: Few issues with 8.16

Post by David »

Hi Vasili,

Please send your customer number either via email or via PM. I can then provide further support. Thanks.

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Re: Few issues with 8.16

Post by David »

Hi Vasily,

Thank you for your details.

Step board that are exported from the ARES output menu > MCAD File are extremely large files. If you then use that stem file for a component, it will be the cause of the slowness in the 3D Viewer.

3D step files can only be added to components. The point of this is so that you can use the Step files as measurement gauge to make sure that it will fit in the mechanical housing. It is not intended for use for an exact replica of the board, so Bolts, screws, covers etc are not generally added. If you need it for 3D purposes, then you will have to make a footprint and add it to the board and then remove it before production of the gerber files.

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Re: Few issues with 8.16

Post by VasiliSk »

3D viewer is ok, but 'loading' of the model is super slow. Temporary i used a 3DS file and it is fast loading

Is it possible to add feature of placing 'components' with no pins? (so only mechanical parts)
it is not only casing but i have inductance rings (with no pins), copper sheets (those can have a pin), other boards, screws, etc
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