Limit locking of PCB for netlist errors

Discussion on the PCB Layout module of the Proteus Design Suite.
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Limit locking of PCB for netlist errors

Post by janneman47 »


PCB editing is locked in case there is a netlist error. While it appears a sensible thing, it frequently gets in the way of the workflow.

One scenario: I design a new schematic part and assign an existing footprint. When switching to the PCB layout screen, I find that there is a netlist error, like the schematic part has pins 1 and 2, while the footprint has pins A and K.

So you'd think, no problem, just edit/duplicate the footprint with the correct pin names. But you can't because the layout is locked.
So, you need to go back to the schematic screen, delete or otherwise disable the new part, go back to PCB, edit/create the correct footprint, go back to schematic, re-instate the part, back to PCB, etc. It's an irritating break in a smooth flow.

Would it be possible to lock the PCB layout itself (although the value escapes me, but OK), and NOT lock the whole PCB part of the software?

Jan Didden
Linear Audio
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