Auto router and 45 degree packages

Discussion on the PCB Layout module of the Proteus Design Suite.
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Auto router and 45 degree packages

Post by stathej »

I have been trying to understand how to use the auto router and have it route IC packages mounted at 45 degrees or in a diamond pattern compared to the board edge. The package is free of DRC errors and so should route easily when on the trial board I set up, a simple QFP directly connected to straight header pins.
Without any intervention the auto router tries to route directly from the QFP at 90 degrees crossing traces and violating the drc rules, left to try and resolve the issue by itself it never figures it out ripping traces up and then laying them down again in the same orientation. I understand that by default it must try and route at right angles then possibly tidy up later using other angles after it has the basic route down but how do I ask it to start by using angles other than 90 degrees? I understand you can enter route commands manually and have been pointed to the direction command but there is no example of how to use this. Having tried direction layer 1 orthogonal I get an error back saying its an incomplete command.

Someone must have used the auto router to do this and not manually routed all the connections, the trial circuit I have to figure this out couldn't be simpler from a routing aspect so can anyone say how to get the router to behave.
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